Doubts About God existence? 

Doubts About God existence? 

Doubts About God existence? 

Do You Ever Doubt About God Existence? The existence of a higher power, such as a God, is a complex philosophical and theological question that has been debated for centuries. People may disagree about the existence of God for various reasons such as religious, philosophical, scientific, and personal beliefs. Some people may argue for the existence of God based on religious scriptures, philosophical arguments, and moral values, while others may reject the idea of God based on scientific evidence and lack of empirical proof. The disagreement about the existence of God is a complex and deeply personal issue and can result in conflict and debate. 

Is it reasonable to deny the existence of God based on scientific evidence? 

No, it is not reasonable to deny the existence of God based solely on scientific evidence. Science deals with the natural and physical world and its laws and processes, but The concept of God, as described by many religious beliefs and philosophies, transcends the natural world and is outside the scope of scientific inquiry. Science is a method of understanding natural phenomena through observation, experimentation, and explanation. Scientific evidence can only provide a limited understanding of the natural world and cannot conclusively prove or disprove the existence of God or a supreme being. Believing in the existence of God is a matter of belief, faith, and interpretation, not scientific fact. Such questions belong to the realm of philosophy and religion, not science.  

Atheist Professor Alex Filipnenko, a member of the 2011 Nobel Prize-winning team to discover the concept of dark energy, told RT News in an interview.

I am not going to be talking about whether there is a spiritual God or a personal God or a purpose to the universe – these are questions that scientists can’t address. ………… What is the origin of the laws of physics? I don’t know. That’s a question science can’t answer. What if the laws of physics have always existed and they give rise to a universe – our universe – and perhaps even multiple universes. That is a possibility, but it is a possibility that is sort of outside the realm of science because we don’t know of any way to experimentally or observationally test whether that is a correct hypothesis.[1]‘Scientists only understand 4% of universe’ — RT World News 

Biologist Scott Todd said in a letter published in the famous science journal Nature,

Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such a hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic. Of course, the scientist, as an individual, is free to embrace a reality that transcends naturalism.[2]A view from Kansas on that evolution debate | Nature

Is it reasonable to deny the existence of God based on a lack of empirical proof?

Is reality only limited to our five senses? Of course not! Because everything we observe only exists, this idea is wrong. Everything we observe exists in the physical world. But many things exist outside of it. Such as energy, gravitational force, line, number, faith, logic, creator, etc. So, reality or existence is not limited to our five senses because there are many things that exist, but we cannot perceive them through our five senses. Atheists say we don’t see God so we don’t believe in God. But why should we believe this statement? Is reality only limited to our five senses? Of course not. There are three ways we can know about reality.

  1. Physical World (Metter)  
  2. Mental world (Experience, Consciousness & Feeling)
  3. Abstract world (Existence  through or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence) 

Since reality is not only dependent on empirical evidence, it is not reasonable to deny the existence of God based on a lack of empirical proof. Usually, we measure rice, flour, and vegetables in kilograms. But we measure water in liters. Now if someone wanted to measure water in kilograms, you would surely ask him to go to a psychiatrist. Because it doesn’t make sense. Similarly, since the creator is beyond the natural and physical world, not empirical, it does not make sense if one wants empirical proof of the creator. Rather, the category mistake fallacy occurs here.

So, now we can say that the existence of God is a matter of philosophical and religious belief and cannot be proven or disproven by empirical evidence. Evidence-based reasoning is limited to what can be observed and measured in the natural world, but the concept of God is often seen as beyond the natural and physical world. Therefore, the question of whether or not God exists is ultimately a matter of belief and faith, and cannot be definitively answered through empirical proof. The arguments given by atheists to deny the existence of a God are illogical. For theists, there are several arguments for the existence of God that can be discussed in detail.

Some Arguments for the Existence of God:
1. Kalam Cosmological Argument
2. The ontological argument
3. Dependency Argument
4. The creator is self-evident
We will discuss these arguments in detail in another article, Insha-Allah.

You can read it: Does naturalism believe in god? – Faith and Theology (

Sazzatul Mowla Shanto

As-salamu alaykum. I'm Sazzatul mowla Shanto. Try to learn and write about theology and philosophy.

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